We have a very active Brownies group (1st Kingham Brownies) that meets every week in The Village Hall. Most of the young people in the village have been involved at some time or other. Contact Nicki Watson.
The local brand of the Guides is Kingham Guides, run by Diana Cramp. They meet weekly
As well as organising the annual Spring Flower Show (April) and Summer Flower Show (August), the active Gardening Society has regular trips to local and national gardens.
While Bledington no longer has a WI, it did have something better. NOTTS, who used to meet monthly. Currently not active.
The Toddlers Group meet in the Bledington Village Hall every Monday morning. Check the facebook page or contact Rose Simmons.
Our neighbourhood watch is looking for someone new to run it. Interested? compact Simon Algar on 01608 658 815.
Emergencies: 999
Non-urgent 101
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Bledington and Foscot Community Association is a charity that will recycle profits from the Community Shop for the benefit of the community. The local trustees are chaired by Michael McCulloch.
The group meets every Saturday at 9.00am outside the Kings Head.
Everybody is welcome!
“Walk, Talk, Eat”
Explore our countryside with the Village Walking Group. We are a group of about 18 people with varying walking ability. Our walks are typically 4-5 miles long, ending up with a pub lunch. Its a great way to meet people, while getting some exercise, seeing our nearby country and investigating nearby pubs. We walk every month except August.
NB: this group is currently not meeting (early 2022)
The Bledington Music Festival is an annual music event which takes place over three summer evenings in early June in beautiful Bledington. We play host to top class performers from all over the world.
By buying heating oil collectively, we save money on every delivery. If you have oil heating,and not yet using BLOG, get in touch to learn more. Simon Aldridge 01608 659121
While most people drive carefully to protect lives, some drivers speed.
The Speedwatch group regularly monitors traffic and reports offenders to the police. PLEASE do like the rest of us and set an example to outsiders keeping to a safe speed through our village.
This enthusiastic group is exploring all aspects of making Bledington even more Green. This includes ideas for local sustainable energy generation.
Poors Plot Charity owns some land locally and uses the income to benefit the poor of the parish. The local trustees, chaired by Sincair Scott, are responsible for distribution of income.
Early every June the village green is transformed into a wonderful Fete - welcoming people from far and wide. As well as joining in on the day, do please get involved. Rob Pearson chairs the fete
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If you have any problems accessing information on the website or need the information it contains in any other format please contact the Clerk email:clerk@bledington.com